Our Sustainable Future Together
As a publicly owned organisation we invest all the money we receive from charges back into maintaining and improving your services.
In the last 20 years we have made significant improvements to the services you rely on. Performance in key areas such as tap water quality, environmental impact, finding and fixing leaks and our overall efficiency have all improved, helped by effective independent regulation.
In the next 25 years we can achieve a great deal more, but with the challenges we face, particularly from more frequent extreme weather events, we must make changes, both to how we work and how as a nation we think about and use water.
Achieving Our Sustainable Future Together
Our Long-Term Strategy sets out our plans over the next 25 years to ensure Scotland’s water and waste water services continue to be sustainable, resilient and affordable for generations to come.
Underpinned by our purpose and ambitions, it identifies the challenges we must overcome, the outcomes we will deliver, and the steps we will take over the next 25 years, with our promise to customers as a foundation for all that we do.
Hear more from Alex Plant, Scottish Water's Chief Executive about Our Sustainable Future Together:
Click here to read our draft Long-Term Strategy
Our Approach
To develop this Long-Term Strategy, we have used a number of tools to test our choices and support decision making. We have used customer research to assess the economic and societal benefit of the decisions we have made and tested these against possible views of the future. Uncertainty is inherent when we look forward 25 years, which is why we will review our Long-Term Strategy regularly as part of our regulatory review periods.
Why your views matter
Our customers, communities and stakeholders are a vital part of Scottish Water achieving Our Sustainable Future Together. Through our research we have listened to over 5,000 customers, which has supported the development of this strategy, and we are now consulting to understand broader views before we publish our final Long-Term Strategy.
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